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Join the Totalfit
Associate Team
Become an Associate and get all of the benefits
What is Totalfit Associate Program?
The Associate agreement is
a 1-year partnership agreement between Totalfit Inc. and the Associate
Associates are given the legal rights to use the Totalfit brand
and unique methodology under trademarked protection.
Purpose of associate Program
  • Provide trademark protection for Associate and Totalfit Inc.
  • Ensure brand consistency among Associates
  • Create an exclusive champion partner network

Benefits of becoming Totalfit Associate

With Totalfit Associate Program coach you can get

  • Legal trademark protection against competitors
  • 1-year Totalfit Workspace premium access
  • Totalfit Stamp for a Year Programming
  • Access to exclusive Associate Community
  • Access to CRM system and app integration
  • Discounts on Totalfit products and services
  • Access to photo and video materials
  • Discounts with our partners GetRx’d
  • Access to all Totalfit branded resources
Join the Associate program for just $999/year