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A coach & community for your journey

Join a local Totalfit gym today

Training alone has its limits

With a Totalfit coach you can get:

  • Personalization
    Personalized coaching and programs based on your level and goals
  • Holistic Approach
    Focus on a balanced development of body, mind, and spirit
  • Coaching
    Not just in the gym, but broader support in other ares of your life
  • Community
    Mutual support and encouragement from fellow gym members
  • Better results
    A holistic approach to training allows you reach new heights
  • Accountability
    Your Totalfit coach keep you accountable to your new fitness routine
You're always welcome here.
Joining a new gym can feel intimidating. But at Totalfit, we're all in this together.

What they're saying about holistic fitness:

  • I am Gabriel Ríos, an international trainer for the International Olympic Committee and President of the Guatemalan Athletes Commission, I believe an athlete goes beyond seeking and achieving results and medals; an athlete must be an integral human being, who uses sport as a tool for various purposes. That is why it is necessary to develop the body, mind, and spirit to transcend many aspects of life and achieve true well-being. Totalfit is an excellent proposal to integrate all areas in harmony without being invasive or losing the focus of excellence in sports performance.

  • For about 5 years I went to different gyms, and did a lot of chaotic actions that did not lead to a result! And then from the first Totalfit session I realized that I finally found what I had been looking for so long!In 2 months of training, I achieved more than in 5 years of just going to the gym for training, for this short period: I dropped 2.5 kg with high quality, I improved my knowledge of nutrition and began to feel better, and even started to eat more, because in many ways I had limited myself, and most importantly, that I started not to get hung up on food at all, but to enjoy the fact that my body is saturated and I feel no hunger. I really like the training approach and that I have achievements and progress every time. With great pleasure, I complete tasks for the development of the spirit, which radically changes my thinking and life in general!
  • I was told, at 145 kg/320lb, that I needed to join the Totalfit program by my doctor because I was depressed, overweight, on daily medications, and often in and out of the hospital. With the help of the Totalfit certified coach Erik and my doctor, I eliminated all medications in 6 months. Besides losing weight, I also discovered the meaning of life. Today, I am a part-time Totalfit coach and working a full-time job.
  • I am Popoy from the Philippines. ! started training with Coach Nelle in the street in front of our gym during the pandemic lockdown time... then I continued training in the gym and have built relationships with the team and connected with the gym community, and see full life change with body, mind, and spirit in only 8 months.

totalfit Associates

Find a place to train with a Totalfit Coach

In each location you'll find a community striving together toward optimal health.

North America
Totalfit Elevate
Parker Lee

709 N. 30th Street Monroe, La 71201
Totalfit Strong
Carol Lord
6425 Cherry Ridge Road, Bastrop LA 71220, USA
Totalfit Familias GT
Mely De Guerra
1a. Calle 0-22 zona 16 Guatemala City
South America
Totalfit RAJUL
Michel Gerges

Cairo, Egypt
Blue Skies Totalfit
Ben Wyatt

BP 03 Touama 42086, Al Haouz, Marrakech, Morocco
Hillary Yusuf

Zone A, No. 16, Area B Uphill, Watchman Street, Nyanya, Abuja, Nigeria
Totalfit Zeal
Baher Kamel

Cairo, Egypt
United Arab Emirates
Body, mind & Spirit Coaching
Haven't found a location?
No worries, start your journey with the Totalfit Mobile App