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Totalfit Instructor Gathering
in Thailand
February 20-23
You are invited to attend the Totalfit Instructor Gathering
Register →
The format
4 full days of
face-to-face training
Chiang Rai, Thailand
Participation fee
By invitation only
Totalfit Instructor Gathering - Thailand, February 20-23
Kindly fill in the registration form below.
Your Name
Phone number
City and Country in which you provide Totalfit Training
Travel. Arrival in Thailand on 19 February - departure from Thailand on 24 February.
Please attach a copy of your valid passport.
Departing Airport - First Option
Return Airport - First Option
Departing Airport - Second Option (Optional)
Return Airport - Second Option (Optional)
Preference of Airline (Optional)
Frequent flyer number (Optional)
Do you have any dietary requirements we should be aware of?
Please state all food allergies or dietary requirements
Please state any physical injuries we need to be aware of
Totalfit will not be supplying travel insurance for this event. Please choose one of the following options
I will get my own travel insurance
I will travel at my own risk
Emergency contact details of your next of kin
Rooms will be double occupancy, do you have a roommate preference?
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